Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Stick with the Flames... Put out!!

I kept telling Darren ( person that painted my stick ) that it's been bad luck so far. Since having the flaming stick, I haven't had a point. I'm usually a slow starter, but I just can't seem to do anything. Well last night, during a push up the ice, my stick got caught in between some legs & snapped in two. Adding insult to injury, I got a two minute penalty for playing with a broken stick. I didn't know it snapped until it hit the ice & it fell apart, but just because I held on to it for a second, I got whistled & sent to the box. UGH!! I break a $200 stick & get a two minute penalty. Just pour salt baby. But we won. I do believe the score was 5-2. I'll write a update when they post the score. GO MONKEYS!!

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